German Lessons

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gettin' figgy with it: caramelized fig and toffee sundaes

Desperate times call for desperate measures.  And these, my friends, are desperate times.  Which means that, these days, I regularly go into the supermarket and come out with nothing more than 15 EURO (that's $20 folks) worth of potato chips, ice cream and wine.  Although I spend most of my days crying lying in bed watching Pretty Little Liars with potato chip crumbs all over my scarfI still try to keep it classy when I can...  Which means that said potato chip crumbs are rosemary sea salt flavored (totally better than regular flavored potato chip crumbs, right?) and the bowls of ice cream I stuff down my face are fancily topped with caramelized figs and toffee sauce (I know, right?).

Now, these caramelized fig and toffee sundaes are seriously to die for.  And if it was my misery that inspired this decadent, rich and totally moan-inducing concoction, then you're welcome and maybe every cloud truly does have its silver lining.

This is my silver lining.  Oh, and Ian Harding.   Because, he's as yummy as these sundaes.  

Caramelized fig and toffee sundaes

fresh figs
ice cream (almond flavor is my favorite)

Elaine's Toffee Company's Toffee Sauce
a pinch of sea salt

candied almond pieces (optional, my ice cream has it included)

Heat honey in a skillet over medium heat.  Slice the figs and sauté them in the honey until caramelized (about 5 minutes).  You can either let the figs cool or use them right away.  Place ice cream in dishes and layer the fig slices along the sides and on top.  Drizzle a little (or a lot ;-) of Toffee Sauce over the top and finish with a tiny sprinkle of sea salt for contrast.

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